Monday, August 15, 2011


overslaugh \OH-ver-slaw\, verb:

To pass over or disregard (a person) by giving a promotion, position, etc., to another instead.

I have asked his attention to the fact that he himself was one of the most active instruments at one time in breaking down the Supreme Court of the State of Illinois, because it had made a decision distasteful to him-a struggle ending in the remarkable circumstance of his sitting down as one of the new Judges who were to overslaugh that decision-getting his title of Judge in that very way.
-- Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln-Douglas Debates
He will overslaugh Taft, who should be first, and everybody else. This would be unfortunate, of course, but I think above all that Clemens's feeling should be respected.
-- William Dean Howells, George Arms, Selected letters: Volume 5; Volumes 1902-1911
Overslaugh derives from the Dutch overslaan, with slaan meaning "to strike."

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