Monday, August 15, 2011

billet \BIL-it\, verb:

billet \BIL-it\, verb:

1. To provide or obtain lodging.
2. To direct (a soldier) by ticket, note, or verbal order, where to lodge.

1. Lodging for a soldier, student, etc., as in a private home or nonmilitary public building.
2. A small chunk of wood; a short section of a log, especially one cut for fuel.

If you do not billet my officers upon free quarters this day, I'll order here all the troops in North America.
-- Francis Parkman, David Levin, France and England in North America
Now worn, harassed, and overworked, he could give Smith-Dorrien no news of Haig's Corps which was expected to billet that night at Landrecies, twelve miles east of Le Cateau.
-- Barbara Wertheim Tuchman, The Guns of August
Billet stems from the French billet, "official register." The word relates to the English bill.

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